I read a post this weekend about the fact that most people are born to wounded parents.
For children, this meant taking on the parental role and codependency conditioning: where you focus on changing someone else at the expense of your own needs.
The sad thing is that this pattern continues in their romantic relationships, projecting this onto their significant other and falling into a mindset thinking they are responsible for fixing, saving, and rescuing that person.
Even sadder is they fall into a mindset of believing they’re responsible for the chaos of others.
We know, logically, it’s not the job of the child to take on their parent’s emotions whether it’s:
Helping a parent out of chronic sickness or addiction
Putting on a brave face for a parent who’s being abused
Giving up their own life to ‘fix’ their parents’ life
Only once they seek help do they notice their own needs and patterns.
We all have an inner child within us – some emotionally abandoned, others not.
If the pandemic wasn’t enough of a clue, and you haven’t started please start your healing now.
A great way is by signing up for our live and online Boundaries & Brilliance Masterclass. It’ll teach you how to create your first healthy and strong boundary – both must apply. If it’s unhealthy, that causes people-pleasing tendencies and leaves you drained, anxious and more fearful within that relationship with that person – colleague, boss, partner or someone else.
If your boundary is too strong, you miss out on letting the right things in to experience life in full colour.
Wake yourself up to notice your needs, your patterns and projections onto others and heal…
Out of these three areas above, what will you start with this week?