It is entirely fitting that Nis Arend’s workshop is titled “Elevate your Mindset” because when you encounter Nis, that is exactly what she helps you to do. Nis is an excellent speaker unique in her ability to help you transform your everyday “I can’t”s to everyday “I can”s. I have attended two breakfast workshops led by Nis at Bryan Cave. The first was a morning breakfast workshop which was eye-opening, interactive, funny, serious and positively helpful. I left the session with a spring in my step feeling equipped to tackle the year I had ahead of me and with the mindset of a high performer switched on to achieve my goals. The following year I did achieve my goals and I am grateful to Nis for helping me to achieve them. My admiration for Nis and confidence in her ability to develop you personally and professionally led me to return (and bring a colleague) for the next workshop led by Nis for women like me in the City. The workshop was reflective and consolidative and Nis delivered once again in empowering me and empowering others.