Nis Arend

How to use the four quarters principle to improve your day.

My belief is that every day is amazing, it’s just the people that stuff it up.

Sometimes that person is you.

Today, it’s me.  So here I am writing this blog with a mindset shift tip that I’m using to shift gears.

It’s inspired by an author called Gretchen Rubin and it’s called the 4 quarters method.

So far today I’ve had my 1:1 boxing coaching session and have just finished my 1:1 yoga session.  Inbetween, I’ve completed a couple of tasks and emails.

I did well in half of Q1 and Q2, but the other half of those quarters was a mess.  I allowed my emotions to get the better of me with an incoming text, had a far too long call for the umpteenth time with a supplier to sort the office broadband out so I effectively wasted the rest of my time in those quarters.

And many people give up when their day goes haywire or someone upsets them.

If my fitness sessions were combined with a deep work session, a power hour, healthy meal, meetings or planned tasks, then that would have made a big difference.  And what happened to my day today is normal, things can be a pain in the derriere….as I’m reminding myself I’m reminding you – make it count in the next quarter.

But instead of saying I’ll do better tomorrow or next Monday, here’s what I’m going to do instead:

Sample of Four Quarters:

  • Quarter 1 [Morning] = 6am – 10am
  • Quarter 2 [Noon] = 10am – 2pm
  • Quarter 3 [Afternoon] = 2pm – 6pm
  • Quarter 4 [Evening] = 6pm – 10pm

How can you be intentional with your time in the quarters?

And if you have a rubbish quarter then let it go and plan for a decent next quarter and celebrate that once you’ve nailed it.

Our days can vary, and it’s normal to hit a setback.  

But now you know that there’s a fresh quarter coming right up for you, so approach it with a fresh mindset because now you know…

Join me in this LIVE Masterclass to live more intentionally and bounce back better. 

All my best,
Nis Arend
High-Performance Coach & Mentor