Nis Arend

Does your opposite attract or aggravate?

Your opposite.

I remember Mother’s Day in sunny South Africa. We hosted a braai for Mom and I made this cute bundled-up package with her favourites and a card handwritten from my heart.

My Mom is the polar opposite of me.

She’s a full-on introvert.

I’m mostly extroverted.

Growing up I learnt the power of my opposite.

I learnt how they:

Lead themselves and others.

Fight battles.


Solve problems.

Get results.

From there my admiration grew…

Think about your loved ones, your significant other (if you have a partner), your friendship circle, your team at work, your line manager… do they mirror you or are they your opposite?

If they are your opposite, reflect on whether you clash or leverage each other’s perspective.

I love how my opposite is conscientious, reflects before putting their mouth into gear and is a completer-finisher…

I invite you to reflect on the dynamics of opposites in your relationships and ask yourself:

  1. How can these differences complement instead of create friction?
  2. What, if anything, can I tweak to make these contrasts work in our favour?
  3. What do I admire in my opposite?

All my best,
Nis Arend
High-Performance Coach & Mentor