Nis Arend

The Next Level for Men | LIVE In-Person Workshop

Lost your mojo? At a crossroads? Get it back with a day built to reset, refocus, and recharge.

Nis Arend > Personal > Events > The Next Level for Men | LIVE In-Person Workshop


Lost your mojo?

Are you at a crossroads, in limbo, uncertain about your next steps, or ready to take your personal growth to the next level?

Tailored for men, this transformative workshop provides a solid space to get a fresh perspective, a clear plan for your next steps as well as strategies, support and guidance to overcome what you’re currently facing with confidence and courage.

It’s a day dedicated to redefining equip you with the tools you need to move north.

You’ll build upon your self-efficacy, elevate your mindset, and strengthen your identity.

No topic is out of bounds.

It’s time to step up to your next level.

How you benefit

  • Regain Your Focus: You’ll break through the fog of uncertainty and rediscover the clarity you need with actionable steps to take.
  • Get Your Mojo Back: Tap into a revitalising experience that will reignite your drive and motivation. With tailored exercises and insights, you’ll leave feeling reenergised and ready to go for your next chapter.
  • Strategic Guidance at a Crossroads: Whether it’s in your career or personal life, you’ll receive personalised guidance to navigate your crossroads. We’ll work together to develop a clear, actionable plan that aligns with your aspirations and sets you on a path forward.
  • Boost Your Confidence: Through practical tools and reflective exercises, you’ll build the confidence needed to make the right decision and move forward with certainty. This day is designed to equip you.
  • Exclusive, Tailored Experience: With a small, focused group, you’ll get individual attention and support from Nis, tailored to your specific challenges and goals. This purposeful setting ensures that you get the most out of your time, providing you with the insights and strategies that are right for you.

Participant Profile

This event is for men who can relate to the experience of putting in hard work, aiming for success, yet feeling that they’re not quite themselves at the moment.

It’s for those who’ve faced hurdles, be they internal or external, and are now ready to leap over them.

If you’re done with holding back, being stuck, directionless, facing a battle – in your mind or externally – and you’re looking for ways to move forward in the right direction, then this day is your opportunity.

Whether you’re aiming to make more decisive decisions, seeking strategies to conquer the obstacles in your path, or just needing a supportive space to recharge and find the right guidance, this day is here to meet you where you are.

If you can relate to these challenges and are ready to transform then this is your day to conquer your challenges and lay the foundation for a future where your strength and leadership emerge.

Limited seats.

Book your place online.

Course Outcome

09:45 am Registration
10:00 am Welcome and Introduction
10:30 am The Starting Point
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Elevate Your Mindset
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Build Your Plan
4:15 pm Reflections from the Day
5:00 pm Celebration & Close


Our day is thoughtfully structured to provide you with the tools and insights to navigate with confidence.

Experience insightful sessions and personalised guidance that will equip you for your next phase of personal and professional growth.


I didn’t believe a person could change in one day, until it happened to me. I arrived expecting a list of objectives to become a better leader, but I got something I never expected. 

For over 30 years, I’d been carrying something heavy – a feeling, a sensation I couldn’t pinpoint.

It was always there, weighing me down, but I had no idea what it was. I never wrote it on my intake form, never mentioned it to Nis, and yet, within minutes, Nis pinpointed it and cleared it right then and there.

Before we even had lunch, she had removed something I didn’t realise was key to holding me back all these years.  The deadweight was gone.

What’s incredible is that despite carrying this for decades, I’ve still been successful.

I’ve worked hard, built my career, and pushed forward, thinking this was just part of life.

But now, knowing what it feels like without that heaviness? I realise just how much lighter, clearer, and more happier I can be. 

Nis is in the top 1% at what she does.

Her ability to see what others can’t, and solve problems is phenomenal. She works fast, is brutally honest and razor-sharp.

She sees things you can’t and most of all, she cares.

I left feeling lighter, clearer, and more excited about my future. I now understand myself at a whole new level – what makes me tick, how I’ve been leading, and where I’ve been blocking myself.

If you’re a leader, invest in yourself.

We spend so much time and money on everything else, but rarely on the one thing that matters most – ourselves. Thank you, Nis, for guiding me to this breakthrough.

Gareth, Business Growth Leader

Today really challenged my thinking.  I have more clarity.  I read many books on how to improve my inner voice but none gave me a specific way to help.  Nis gave me the one incredibly powerful way that I’ve not read anywhere.  My investment was worth it for this one powerful technique alone, it changed how I run my inner voice forever.  I’m so glad I came. It was a day of learning, challenge and brought focus to my mindset.

Nis is knowledgeable, insightful, caring, supportive and inspirational. 10/10 for informative, thoughtful and powerful content, the training challenged my thinking and highlighted the specific areas I need to work on.  It’s given me clarity on how to be the best version of me.

Andy, Strategic Lead

Life-changing, like no other ‘course’ I’ve been on.  My view on my future is so much different compared to 12 hours ago. I was blown away by the course content.  I was expecting a powerpoint delivered boring lecture whereas it was the opposite.  The day was personal and well delivered!  Time flew by and we covered so many things.  I wasn’t expecting to be able to let go of my biggest fears so quickly and feel so energised and happy about it.  The day was scarily relevant and appropriate for me.  Very personal, emotional and bespoke to so many aspects of my personal and professional life. The day was very powerful and memorable.  Digging in opened up great dialogue.  Personally, I gained clarity and confidence from the day which cleared a path for me to build upon.  The venue was in beautiful surroundings and very easy to get to.  The Classic Day significantly exceeded my expectations.  I wish I had done this years ago!  I’m very grateful, a huge thank you to Nis.  I feel blessed to have met you and appreciate every minute of our day together.

Jamie, Executive Director

Nis is dynamic and delivers with a razor-sharp focus.  Attending her live workshops was one of the best investments I’ve made. It helped unlock new ideas within to deal with long-standing challenges. Her teachings have had a tremendous positive impact on my life, both in my private life and my charity. The coaching experience is excellent and you’ll discover new things that you can’t learn anywhere else in the world. Highly recommended!

Dustin, Board Director

I lost my mojo. I was stuck in the past and my confidence was at an all-time low. This workshop was a wake-up call that stopped me playing small and brought me out of hiding. A powerful day. If I’d known this was what I was going to experience, I’d have booked years ago when my wife first suggested it (she went to the day workshop for ladies).

Anthony, Business Owner

I’m the type of person who’s accommodating but sometimes, it feels like I’m accommodating everyone but myself and although ashamed to admit, I’ve allowed certain colleagues to boss me around at work. The day resonated with my values and I’ve become more disciplined as a result. I left with the tools to tackle self-doubt which set me on a path of immediate improvement. One day has made a significant difference. I left with a purpose and renewed confidence.

Aidan, Project Manager


Check your emails. We'll be sending you joining instructions, a point of contact and reminders closer to the course start!
We’ll cover all sessions, breakfast bites, scrumptious lunch, snacks and all refreshments plus a bonus offer of one month support of 3 Group Coaching Sessions.
Nis’s career started with training men in the private banking niche and following their success, she continued to evolve in a male dominated industry for all of her career. She’s helped 5000+ aspiring and C-Suite leaders understand their precise starting point and discover how to step up to their next level.

With more women sitting around the table, Nis also has the insights as a woman in business to notice the gaps and blindspots that many have when dealing with women.

Yes absolutely! Bringing a friend, colleague or team member to join you has powerful benefits that can enrich your day and strengthen your relationship.

Due to limited places make sure they get their booking in asap via our website.

Accommodation at the venue is an optional extra and we highly recommend this to enhance your experience. We’ve negotiated a special rate for you which gives you access to the spa facilities, free parking and free wifi.

Your rate includes a dinner, bed and a complimentary breakfast the next morning.

We can accommodate most allergies. We do not recommend our program to those with certain nut-based allergies as the venue is not a nut-free facility. We’ll ask you for your special requirements in the onboarding process.
We only want serious people in this program, this is your life we’re talking about. Once guests book, we make arrangements and investments while anticipating their tuition and attendance. Given the exclusivity and intimate group size, it's important for us to maintain this policy. As such, no refunds are given. You can however transfer your place to a known like minded man.